
Mergers And Acquisitions: Past, Present, And Future

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have become a major part of the modern corporate landscape. Under this process, two businesses will either combine to form a single entity (merger) or one will purchase the other (acquisition) and, typically, take over its operations. With startup culture thriving and businesses needing to think on their feet to stay […]

A Guide to Vertical Acquisitions: Their Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives

Vertical and horizontal acquisitions are strategies that businesses use to solidify their positions, increase market share, and turn more profits. Read on to learn more about vertical acquisitions and their advantages over horizontal mergers. Vertical Acquisitions: What Are They and How Do They Work? Vertical acquisitions, mergers, and integrations are competitive strategies by which companies […]

Looking Out for Deal Breakers During Mergers and Acquisitions

While both sides of a merger or acquisition hope the deal will go through without any issues, that’s not likely to happen. Issues are expected during this process, but they shouldn’t be enough to cancel the deal. Buyers, however, will want to make sure they understand what could be a deal breaker and what they […]