If you are Buying a Company are you taking these Due Diligence Steps?

If you plan to buy a company, the due diligence process is probably the most important aspect of the entire transaction. Due diligence research and analysis ensures a buyer is confident in the true value of the company and how this relates to the price of the company for sale. Below are the major elements […]

Selling a Business? How to Organize Your Documents for the Due Diligence Process

There are many aspects of selling a business that have to be considered. Legal, accounting, financial, operations, human resources and much more. Potential buyers of a business need to know they can access all the relevant information to the sale. Providing business information in a logical, organized format for all buyers not only helps build […]

The Basics of the Virtual Deal Room

With the increasing prevalence of the virtual Deal Room as a merger and acquisition tool, there’s more of a need to understand the role of Data Rooms in the M&A process. Equally important is the need for those involved in mergers and acquisitions to learn how to set them up properly and maximize their effectiveness. […]

What is an Inititial Coin Offering (ICO)?

It’s undeniable that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been turning the financial world on its head in recent years. These decentralized digital currencies are unlike fiat currencies in that they do not rely on a central bank or another major financial institute for their production and credibility, instead making use of a technology known as […]

The Arrival of Automation: Will a Robot Take Your Job?

Job automation has arrived and it’s already saving manufacturing businesses a good deal of money. But with tech masterminds like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk celebrating the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and automated labor, there’s reason for some workers to be worried about their jobs. How Artificial Intelligence and Robots Save Money and Put […]

Useful Etiquette Rules For Business Meetings

Many assume that proper etiquette is all about sending thank-you notes, using the right fork at mealtime and dressing appropriately. However, where the professional world is concerned, a person’s behavior and planning processes speak to their professionalism, and the smallest misstep can damage one’s career. Below are several business meeting etiquette rules to know and […]

Business Dress Etiquette

As much as everyone tries not to make judgments based on appearances, the way a person looks plays a crucial role in their business success. In the business world, appearance is often conflated with performance, and those who don’t fit the norm aren’t always accepted. In the workplaces of today, where ‘casual Friday’ has extended […]

Proper Business Call Etiquette: Saving Face Over the Phone

Following its invention during the late 1800s, the telephone became an integral component in business operations. Despite all the technological advancements brought about since that time, the phone still holds its own in the business world. Voice-to-voice communication is – such as face-to-face communication – just faster, simpler, and more personable than the alternatives in […]

Business Dinner Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of Dining with Colleagues

Business dinners are ideal means of interacting with associates outside the office environment. Though plenty of opportunity for showing off a well-balanced blend of professional and social skills awaits in such a setting, lacking in either could result in disaster. No doubt your business sense can hold its own, but understanding the conventional dos and […]

Understanding a Social Purpose Business and Its Place in a Community

Employees are changing. They no longer wish to simply earn a paycheck. They want to change the world while doing so. For this reason, many people now opt to work for a Social Purpose Enterprise or Social Purpose Business, but what exactly is this? Also interesting: how can a dataroom solution be of importance for […]