Entries by Claudia Rothenhorst

Basic Business Etiquette to Be Aware Of

Individuals often feel uncomfortable in business situations, as this is one topic most business schools overlook. They don’t cover proper business etiquette at times such as this, leaving a person wondering what they should say and how they should act. Until this changes, a person may wonder if they are presenting themselves properly in this […]

Why Business Owners Sell Their Business

As an entrepreneur, the penultimate day of your life is the day you hand over your baby to someone else. Baby being your own business that you’ve built from the ground up. Making the decision to sell a business you’ve invested so many years of blood, sweat & tears into is incredibly difficult. Depending on […]

How Bitcoin May Affect The Worlds Future

Bitcoin is one of the oldest and most widely-known cryptocurrencies. There are no coins to mint or bills to print. It is decentralized, which means there is no banking institution or government in control. Owners remain anonymous; rather than using names, Social Security numbers, or tax IDs, bitcoin uses encryption keys to connect sellers to […]

5 Mistakes to Avoid During the Post Merger Integration Process

Acquiring other companies for geographic and product expansion or merging with equal competitors are the most common strategies to increase corporate growth. However, the majority of M&A (merger and acquisitions) do not succeed. Public and private investors typically point to flawed due diligence and poor strategies, but another element is often overlooked: an absence of […]

6 Methods of Financing Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions are parts of the natural cycle of business. A merger or acquisition can help a business expand, gather knowledge, move into a new market segment, or improve output. However, these opportunities come with expenses for both sides. Standard merger deals typically involve administrators, lawyers, and investment bankers even before the total acquisition […]

The New Economic Frontier: A Sharing Economy

Tech tools are disrupting everything. We don’t even say change anymore—we say disrupt. These changes are clearly apparent when it comes to the sharing economy. Just 10 years ago, the idea of staying in a complete stranger’s house on vacation or getting into a stranger’s car would have been considered incredibly risky, but now it’s […]

Letter of Intent: A Vital Tool in the Formal Negotiation Process

Business transactions tend to be surrounded by a number of questions and concerns, particularly in the case of mergers and acquisitions. Either party involved would be remiss to jump headlong into such a situation without some level of planning and negotiation. At the same time, neither wants to be legally bound to the other party’s […]

Distributed Ledgers: Providing Security and Efficiency

Conventionally, accounting information is held centrally and revisions or additions are carried out privately by accounts professionals. But when you are operating across borders and in cyberspace, this kind of system can become a liability, providing cyber-criminals with opportunities and leading to inefficiency. Read also about a virtual dataroom as solution for location independent sales managament. […]

Smart Contract Technology and the Future

Smart Contract technology has come a long way over the years. However, many people remain unaware of this technology or have heard of it, yet fail to understand what it can accomplish through the use of computers. What are smart contracts? How do they benefit individuals and organizations? What is the future of this technology? […]