The New Economic Frontier: A Sharing Economy

Tech tools are disrupting everything. We don’t even say change anymore—we say disrupt. These changes are clearly apparent when it comes to the sharing economy. Just 10 years ago, the idea of staying in a complete stranger’s house on vacation or getting into a stranger’s car would have been considered incredibly risky, but now it’s […]

What is Blockchain and How Will It Change the Global Economy?

Blockchain is the new buzzword among bankers in the know. For those who are still new to the concept, this article will help explain how the technology works and how it is likely to impact the future of banking. Read on to find out more and learn, how a secure dataroom can be a useful technical […]

Letter of Intent: A Vital Tool in the Formal Negotiation Process

Business transactions tend to be surrounded by a number of questions and concerns, particularly in the case of mergers and acquisitions. Either party involved would be remiss to jump headlong into such a situation without some level of planning and negotiation. At the same time, neither wants to be legally bound to the other party’s […]

Impact Investing, What It Is and Why People Need to Be Aware of This Option

With the help of Impact Investing, individuals and businesses find they are able to boost their social impact bonds. However, many are still unfamiliar with this investment option and how it will fit into their overall financial portfolio. Furthermore, they aren’t aware of the benefits of impact investing. Now is the time to clear up […]

Distributed Ledgers: Providing Security and Efficiency

Conventionally, accounting information is held centrally and revisions or additions are carried out privately by accounts professionals. But when you are operating across borders and in cyberspace, this kind of system can become a liability, providing cyber-criminals with opportunities and leading to inefficiency. Read also about a virtual dataroom as solution for location independent sales managament. […]

Smart Contract Technology and the Future

Smart Contract technology has come a long way over the years. However, many people remain unaware of this technology or have heard of it, yet fail to understand what it can accomplish through the use of computers. What are smart contracts? How do they benefit individuals and organizations? What is the future of this technology? […]

If you are Buying a Company are you taking these Due Diligence Steps?

If you plan to buy a company, the due diligence process is probably the most important aspect of the entire transaction. Due diligence research and analysis ensures a buyer is confident in the true value of the company and how this relates to the price of the company for sale. Below are the major elements […]

Selling a Business? How to Organize Your Documents for the Due Diligence Process

There are many aspects of selling a business that have to be considered. Legal, accounting, financial, operations, human resources and much more. Potential buyers of a business need to know they can access all the relevant information to the sale. Providing business information in a logical, organized format for all buyers not only helps build […]

The Basics of the Virtual Deal Room

With the increasing prevalence of the virtual Deal Room as a merger and acquisition tool, there’s more of a need to understand the role of Data Rooms in the M&A process. Equally important is the need for those involved in mergers and acquisitions to learn how to set them up properly and maximize their effectiveness. […]

Preparing your company for a sale: Tips, strategies & tools to keep in mind

When deciding to sell your company, you can either choose to sell it in its current condition or prepare for a Merger and Acquisition (M&A). A strategic M&A plan can considerably increase the sale value of your venture and should ideally be your chosen plan of action. You will make your company more attractive to […]